Off-premise coffee break is indispensable event for negotiations, workshops, conferences and other business meetings. Like official buffet, coffee break implies lack of seats.
Usually coffee break presupposes different starters, but its’ variety is less than on a cocktail dinner. Assortment of dishes is fit for fast satisfying hunger.
Owing to such pause, guests are able to have a rest and enjoy starters or drinks. Coffee break gives them an opportunity to gain strength and continue their participation in the event.
Duration of coffee break is from 15 to 60 minutes.
Our company arranges coffee breaks
for up to 4000 persons
Now as you have seen the menu, it is time to make up an individual estimate for your coffee break . Leave your phone number and our manager will call you back to get more information. You can also fill the form on our web-site. An offer will be sent by e-mail in 30 minutes.